I’m not saying being me is good..

I’m not saying living in my life is splendid..

But, what I’m gonna say is just have a taste a little bit of my life and tell me how it really is..

Hear my story..

Spill if you want and swallow if you like..

Shaff-story..is a tale..a taste of me~shaff

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Status: Graduated and still a miles to go!


Dearest world,

Its 2013 and this is my first entry.

Just to share one thing that ordinary but I'm still loving it.

I am finally graduated from Law School !!!!!

lame tak the announcement. gaya macam saya sorang je yang graduate..poyo je lebih. orang lain pun grad gak tapi tak kecoh pun...hahaha

there's a story here..don't you think??

here it goes...

After spm saya take up my driving licence then i applied for university...alhamdullillah got accepted to law school..walau at that point langsung tak ada any basic idea how the law school work..Yela,sepanjang sekolah menengah saya punya cita-cita always berubah-ubah depends on the situations..(chameleon punye ambition)..saya nak jadi businesswoman la, nak jadi nurse la, lecturer la, finance consultant la, economist la and the list goes on and on...BUT never a lawyer or anything in legal field sebab maybe saya tak pernah di exposekan  about that type of work kot...but it's all my mom punye decision..she advised me to put law as my first choice in university's application form..and tengok-tengok dapat pulak kan..so, kena la pergi..

Mula-mula masuk Foundation dulu buat prep...basically kitaorg belajar all the basic thing of law subject and all those time you tak tau berapa kali dah ai mental breakdown. culture shock pun ada gak sket...mula-mula sebab saya langsung xpernah jauh dari rumah and never ever tinggal kat asrama. Agak kelam-kabut di situ...mana nak sental baju sendiri, mana nak bangun pagi sendiri, cari makan sendiri, start cari kawan baru all over again...then masuk part kelas pulak..ini serious saya mental breakdown. It turn out that law school expecting all its students to talk all out in class...giler kau....saya ni insan yang paling pendiam dan pemalu di abad milenium ni tau. saya tak pernah volunter bercakap kat dalam kelas apatah lagi nak buat presentation. saya grad sekolah menengah before all the cikgu start to know my existence in the school...sampai begitu sekali tau..so, sepanjang setahun saya masuk law class saya nervous all day long takut kena panggil buat public speaking kat depan.And the thing is saya tak berjaya pun escape the routine sbb sooner or later nama saya akan dipanggil jugak and kalau dah setahun macam tu tak ke lali dah...the nice thing about human is, they live, they adapt and they survived.

Then masuk main campus and start lah the 4 years degree...time ni saya dah secured some friends and dah biasa hidup jauh dari family so it helps a lot..apa yang tough is the subjects...a lot harder that i expected it to be...long story short, after all the ups and downs of those 4 years akhirnya saya telah berjaya menamatkan perjalanan selama 4 tahun itu begitu juga dengan kawan-kawan yang lain..Alhamdulillah. And sepanjang perjalanan tu dah berjuta kali agaknya saya keep the blame on everyone but me sebab suruh saya enroll to law school. sejauh mana pun saya try lari from this path, things keep getting better sampai saya dah tak jumpa reason untuk berhenti from here. Allah memang dah tetapkan jalan nie untuk saya kan? seems that all these is His plan since the very beginning.

And now, i'm enrolling for my second degree which is Shariah Law. sebenarnya since mula lagi saya memang dah register for this double degree tapi macam biasa it's not entirely my choice...again..but apa-apa pun, here i'am. Sepanjang 4 tahun dulu, every sem saya bagi threat kat my parents and friends yang saya nak drop this double degree sebab language barrier..its in ARABIC kot!!!! seriously memang setiap sem saya convince myself yang i'm dropping this if i failed this shariah paper. tapi entah bagaimana ianya terjadi it keep getting out of hand. I passed and my name appeared in the list of double degree program. sekali lagi saya merasakan Allah telah memberi jalan ini untuk saya.

Yang pasti, hari ini, saya masih meneruskan jalan yang Allah bagi nie...i'm struggling to understand the language and the subject..extra work needed here sebab although saya pernah belajar arab dulu time sekolah menengah but saya tak pernah ambik berat and faham sebab i though i would never use it again after finished school...and sekarang..mode: terkial-kial memahami buku teks yang berbahasa arab dan memahami apa yang cuba dipertuturkan oleh ustaz-ustaz dan ustazah kat dalam kelas.sekian.

p/s: my bestie, shuda is currently doing her chambering...keep going girl!!, my bestie azrina is currently seeking a good place to start her chambering..good luck girl!!, and my bestie wahida is currently enrolling with me...lets fight together girl!!

p/s/s: my graduation ceremony is in October this year!! =)

they're with me all these years until today!!

(mode: pre-graduation photoshoot)
